Inteli-Lift Dumbwaiters
Inteli-Lift Dumbwaiter CPLD Schematics | 75 Lb, 125 Lb, 250 Lb
Below is a comprehensive blueprint of our Inteli-Lift dumbwaiter model capable of carrying up to 250 pounds.
Included in the blueprint are detailed schematics of the dumbwaiter CPLD or complex programmable logic device. This specific blueprint is for an Inteli-Lift model with two stops. Making sure the logic board of your new dumbwaiter is installed correctly is critical, which is why Elevation Innovation includes blueprints of each of our dumbwaiter models. We want you to enjoy the efficiency and convivence of installing a dumbwaiter for your business or residence.
Here is a blueprint for the Inteli-Lift dumbwaiter model able to lift 250 pounds.
Inside is the layout of the standard complex programmable logic device of your new dumbwaiter unit. The model features bold colors, making them easier to read and understand, and the blueprint also shows the correct wiring setup for a dumbwaiter system with three stops or levels.
Included is another blueprint for our Inteli-Lift dumbwaiter model, showcasing the diagram of the CPLD, or complex programmable logic device.
This specific blueprint is for a dumbwaiter system with four stops or four different levels. At Elevation Innovation, we want to ensure that your new dumbwaiter or dumbwaiters are installed correctly, so you can boost the efficiency of your business or add convenience to your life. Including this blueprint is our way of making sure the job is done right.
This is a dumbwaiter blueprint for our Inteli-Lift model which is capable of withstanding and lifting 250 pounds.
The layout is specifically for the complex programmable logic device and uses lots of bold colors to make the blueprint easier to comprehend. This blueprint also is for a dumbwaiter setup for five stops or floors. Wiring your new dumbwaiter unit is crucial for it to operate properly, and at Elevation Innovation, we want to make the installation process as seamless as possible.
Below is a dumbwaiter blueprint for the complex programmable logic device of our Inteli-Lift model, capable of lifting 250 pounds.
The blueprint uses bright colors, making the diagram easier to comprehend, and shows the proper wiring setup for a dumbwaiter system with five stops. To properly use and enjoy your new dumbwaiter, it is essential that is wiring is installed correctly, which is why Elevation Innovation provides everything you need to get started.
300Lb | 500Lb Dumbwaiter
Here starts the listings of dumbwaiter blueprint for the Inteli-Lift models with capacities of 300 to 500 pounds.
This particular blueprint is for a dumbwaiter system with 2 stops, and is a diagram of the wiring and CPLD, or complex programmable logic device. The use of color makes the blueprint easier to understand and read, so you can start using your new dumbwaiter faster.
This dumbwaiter blueprint is similar to the Inteli-Lift 300 / 500lb PLD 208V 1 Ph blueprint listed below but has a higher voltage.
The Inteli-Lift 300 / 500lb 2 stop CPLD 230V 1Ph has a higher main supply compared to the 208 Voltage blueprint. The diagram is well organized, easy to navigate, and will help you in installing your new dumbwaiter system.
Included is the dumbwaiter blueprint for our Inteli Lift model with the ability of lifting 300 to 500 pounds.
The diagram is for dumbwaiters with three stops or floors, and a voltage of 208. When installing dumbwaiters, it is essential to make sure the wiring is accurate so you can get the most out of your new dumbwaiter unit. The key to a long lifespan for your dumbwaiter is proper maintenance, and at Elevation Innovation we make sure you have the tools necessary to keep your dumbwaiter in good shape.
This is a blueprint for the CPLD logic board of our standard Inteli-Lift dumbwaiter models.
The layout shows how to correctly wire components like the motor assembly, power supply, and brake resistor, so your new dumbwaiter can function at its best. This particular blueprint is for a three-stop dumbwaiter, or a dumbwaiter designed to open and close up to three separate floors. Elevation Innovation aims to streamline the dumbwaiter installation process, so you can begin optimizing your business faster.
This dumbwaiter blueprint shows how to properly install the wiring for a Inteli Lift dumbwaiter system with four stops, or four floors to navigate.
The layout specifically instructs how to install the CPLD, or complex programmable logic device, which is the brain of your dumbwaiter. The use of color makes this guide easier to read and understand, you can begin utilizing your new dumbwaiter right away!
Included is the instructional blueprint for the Inteli Lift dumbwaiter model.
This particular blueprint is for the complex programmable logic device, or the mind of your dumbwaiter. It controls the speed, voltage, and ensures that your dumbwaiter can perform at its peak. The layout is also for a dumbwaiter with four elevator stops, or four floors. At Elevation Innovation, we stive to make the installation process as convenient as possible, if you have any questions, please give our team a call!
There are many components that make up the standard dumbwaiter system.
Included here is a blueprint of our Inteli Lift model, able of carrying 300 or 500 pounds. This print is also for a dumbwaiter that requires 5 stops for five different floors. The use of colors makes the layout easier to comprehend and showcase how elements like the motor assembly and brake should be assembled.
This is another five stop blueprint for our Inteli Lift model dumbwaiter series.
The layout is for a dumbwaiter with a higher voltage, and is a great, well organized guide to help install the programmable logic device of your new dumbwaiter system. If you have any addition questions regarding the blueprints or other instructions, please reach to our team for further assistance.
Inteli-Lift GEN II Dumbwaiter Schematics Pre – Year 2020
Attached is a blueprint for the Inteli Lift GEN II dumbwaiter model.
In it is a detailed layout of the logic board and wiring of the dumbwaiter system, or the brain of your dumbwaiter. This high-resolution blueprint uses color expertly for easy reading and is the guide you need to install the wiring of your dumbwaiter.
Here is another blueprint of the wiring and logic board of the Inteli Lift dumbwaiter system, with this model able of carrying up to 500 pounds.
Elevation Innovation knows how important it is for your dumbwaiter to be installed correctly. A poorly installed dumbwaiter can prevent it working, costing you in terms of efficiency and utility. That’s why we work to provide resources to help answer your questions.
This is a dumbwaiter blueprint that displays the proper setup for your new dumbwaiter.
This blueprint is essential for installing the brain of your new Inteli-Lift dumbwaiter system, and with great resolution and bold use of color, this guide is comprehensive yet easy to understand. If you have additional questions, reach out to our team! We would be happy to answer your queries.
Tri-PLC Dumbwaiter Schematics Pre – 8/1/2013
These next dumbwaiter blueprints are from older models or feature older schematics.
They are also layouts of the wiring setup for our various dumbwaiter systems. From the control panel to the hoistway limit switches, it is critical that the wiring, or brain, of your dumbwaiter is setup correctly so you can begin operating it as soon as possible. If you have any technical questions, do not hesitate to contact out team at Elevation Innovation.
Here are the detailed schematics of the wiring and circuit board of our typical dumbwaiter systems.
Though complex, the use of color and high image resolutions makes the guide easier to understand. The blueprint walks you through the proper setup for component such as the GAL Interlock and Travel Cable so your new dumbwaiter can function at its best.
This is the last of our older blueprints of our standard dumbwaiter models.
Like these others, this guide also walks you through how to properly install the wiring of your new dumbwaiter, so you can begin utilizing it faster. If you have any lingering questions or concerns, please reach out to our team by phone or email!
Econo-Lift® Dumbwaiters
Dumbwaiter CPLD Printed Circuit Board Controllers
Here is the standard two stop, or two floor blueprints of the CPLD for our dumbwaiter systems.
This printable and downloadable guide is a great resource when it comes to wiring and installing the circuit board and circuit board controllers.
This is a dumbwaiter blueprint for a three stop, or three floor dumbwaiter system.
This printable guide is a diagram of the circuit board and uses bold colors and is well organized and easy to follow. If you have any further questions about dumbwaiters, or dumbwaiter installation, please reach out to our team for more!
Here is a CPLD blueprint for a four stop, or four level dumbwaiter unit.
Inside the blueprint shows how to properly install and program the circuit board for your new dumbwaiter or dumbwaiters. This blueprint is a comprehensible, technical look at the brain of your dumbwaiter and how it functions. Our blueprint is also easy to download and print, so you can have access to our guides as needed.
Dumbwaiter Standard Relay Logic Controllers
These last printouts are for our standard relay logic controllers for our dumbwaiter models.
This specific blueprint is for a logic controller for a dumbwaiter with 2 stops, or two floors to operate on. This guide is easy to download for personal reference, and to help you with the installation process of your dumbwaiter.
This is a blueprint for a three stop standard relay logic controller for dumbwaiters that operate on three floors.
This blueprint serves as an instructional guide to show you how to properly install the wiring of your dumbwaiter, so it functions at its best. If you have any further questions regarding our blueprints and guides, please reach to our team!

We Have The Longest Warranty in the Industry. 3 Year Commercial and 5 Year Residential limited warranties. Dumbwaiters are built to last 25+ years.